Oxford Australia Scholarships Fund

The Oxford Australia Fund was initiated to endow scholarships for academically-outsanding Australian graduates to study at Oxford University.

The first scholarships were established at the Australian National University in connection with the Campaign for Oxford 1993, with donations from Australian Oxford alumni and a subsequent large benefaction from the late Mr James Fairfax AC. Since 1998, this Fund has awarded scholarships to more than 100 Australian graduates.

Scholarship selection is made on academic merit, normally across the full range of discipline areas. The scholarships provide partial funding to Australian university graduates for the duration of a full-time Masters or Doctorate degree, or a second undergraduate degree, at Oxford University.

In addition to the James Fairfax fund, a number of funds linked to Oxford Colleges provide specific scholarships thanks to generous donations from their Australian alumni and matching College support:

The Committee also administers the Sayce Scholarship, which supports candidates for a DPhil in a STEM discipline.

To mark the 20th Anniversary of the Scholarships, we want to increase the endowment to double the funding level of each scholarship from its current $15,000 per year. Please help us reach this target.

Vale Professor John White: Professor John White, the distinguished chemist to whom the Oxford Australia Scholarships owe their establishment and success, died in August 2023. The Oxford Australia Scholarships Committee acknowledges John's tireless work for the Scholarships, and his continuing legacy manifest through the Scholarships and their recipients.

Updated:  8 November 2018/Responsible Officer:  Scholarship Committee/Page Contact:  Scholarship Committee