
ANU and Oxford University have a long-standing friendship, and the Oxford Australia Endowment is a demonstration of the strength of connection between the institutions.

Established in the early 1990’s by Australian Oxford Alumni, the scholarship program helps many talented Australian students to fulfil their dream of studying at Oxford University.

The Oxford Australia Endowment supports five scholarships specifically for talented Australian students to study at Oxford.

James Fairfax Oxford Australia Scholarships

James Fairfax Scholarships allow access to all Oxford colleges. They provide partial support for study in Oxford after the first Australian undergraduate degree and may be for postgraduate degrees up to three years or a second undergraduate degree at Oxford. Degrees in Arts or Social Sciences are encouraged and one scholarship was linked to the Clarendon Scholarship in 2016.

Brasenose College Oxford Australia Scholarships

The generous support from members of Brasenose College now living in Australia, and the College, allowed the first Brasenose Oxford Australia Scholarship to be awarded in 2014. The scholarship was linked in 2016 to the Clarendon Scholarship.

Guy White Oxford Australia-Magdalen College Scholarships

The scholarship was established by the late Dr Guy K. White FAA for partial support of distinguished Australian graduates to study at Magdalen College. The scholarships are open to any discipline. This scholarship became the Ian Wilson- Guy White Magdalen College scholarship in 2014.

Lincoln College Oxford Australia Scholarships

The generous support from members of Lincoln College now living in Australia, and the College, allowed the first Lincoln Oxford Australia Scholarship to be awarded in 2018. The scholarship was linked in 2016 to the Clarendon Scholarship.

Magdalen College Oxford Australia Scholarships

The generous support of the College and from members of Magdalen College now living in Australia has made it possible for the Magdalen College - Oxford Australia Scholarship Fund to assist an Australian student to study at Magdalen since 2006.

University College Old Members Oxford Australia Scholarship

Established in 1999, this scholarship supports Australian graduates wishing to further their studies with a post graduate or second Bachelor degree at Oxford University.

Ian Wilson Oxford Australia-Magdalen College Scholarships

The scholarship was established by the late Hon Ian Wilson MP for partial support of distinguished Australian graduates to study at Magdalen College. The scholarships are open to any discipline. The first scholar started in 2013. This scholarship became the Ian Wilson- Guy White Magdalen College Scholarship in 2014.

Updated:  8 November 2018/Responsible Officer:  Scholarship Committee/Page Contact:  Scholarship Committee