Oxford Australia Scholarship FAQ

  1. When do applications for the Oxford Australia Scholarships open and close?

    Applications open in early January and close in mid-February each year.

  2. What documentation is required for an Oxford Australia Scholarships application? 

    You will need: 

    • a copy of your academic transcripts,
    • a 1-page personal statement,
    • a 3-page curriculum vitae,
    • a short (5-10 pages) example of your written work,
    • information about your financial circumstances,
    • three referees who can comment authoritatively on your academic qualities and potential.
  3. What if I do not get my first preference in the section on college preference and potential scholarship?

    Please indicate your first preference for the potential scholarship and please note you will be considered for other colleges if your first preference is not available.

  4. How long should my personal statement be? Can this be the same as for the Oxford application?

    Please make the personal statement only 1 page maximum in length; the statement can be the same as that for the Oxford Application.

  5. How long should my written work be? Can this be the same as for the Oxford application?

    Please keep the written work to10 pages maximum in length; this can be the same material as the Oxford Application.

  6. How much detail is needed for 'financial statement'?

    You should indicate the funds that you have in hand, to cover College and University fees as well as accommodation and living expenses. Here it is appropriate to indicate any other Scholarships that you have received or have applied for.

  7. How long do referees have to submit their reference?

    The referees have the same deadline date as the application deadline date to submit their reference, so please let your referees know as soon as possible that you intend to apply; and please complete the referee nomination form as early as possible during your application.

  8. Under "honours degree and subjects" is it required that all subjects completed are listed?

    No, your transcript will cover all the subjects listed so there is no need to also add these here. If you have not yet received your final result you should indicate the likely outcome.

  9. Should the CV be an academic CV or a personal one?

    The CV should be both and indicate prizes won and other activities beyond the curriculum.

  10. If I have completed an international degree, does this mean I am excluded?

    Yes, unfortunately. The Oxford Australia Scholarships are for the first Overseas degree.  

  11. Does completing an exchange overseas during the Australian degree count as an overseas degree?

    No, you will still be eligible for the scholarship.

  12. Do the referees need to match the referees used for Oxford application?

    No, the referees for the scholarship can be different from those in your Oxford Application.

  13. What is the value and tenure of the scholarships?

    The value of the Scholarships vary, as decribed in the documentation for each. The normal tenure is for a period of no more than three years, depending on the degree.

  14. What is the meaning of "country of ordinary residence"?

    This is defined by the Australian Government and it is where you normally live.